mosquito bite

5 Ways Mosquitoes Harm Your Landscape and Property

Mosquitoes are known to be a nuisance, but they are more than just annoying pests. These little bloodsuckers can also harm your landscape and property in several ways. That is why it is crucial to have a mosquito control strategy in place before the start of summer, the season when they thrive. Understanding how mosquitoes can damage your property is essential for taking measures to prevent their infestation.

Five Ways Mosquitoes Harm Your Landscape and Property

1. Damage to Plants

Mosquitoes feed on nectar and the sap of trees and plants. This sugary food gives males the energy they need to fly. For female mosquitos, the sugar can help them sustain themselves during winter.

By eating nectar, mosquitoes also carry pollen, which they can transfer to other plants. This role is vital in the ecosystem. However, the presence of mosquitoes in your landscape can also attract other insects and animals, such as frogs. A frog or two will not be a problem. But they are likely to harm your lawn and garden when they grow in number.

2. Damage to Water Features

Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water. Thus, any water features in your landscape, such as ponds or fountains, can quickly become breeding grounds for these insects. The presence of mosquitoes in water features can reduce their aesthetic value. It can also make them unusable due to the risk of disease transmission. Additionally, mosquitoes might clog up water features with their dead bodies, further damaging them.

3. Decreased Property Value

Mosquitoes are a turnoff to potential buyers. Additionally, their presence can signal that the property is not well-maintained. If the infestation is severe enough, using any outdoor space could be difficult. You sure won’t want to stay outside when hundreds of little bugs are attempting to bite you. Therefore, it should not be a surprise if a mosquito infestation in your landscape decreases the value of your property.

4. Harm to Outdoor Pets and Animals

Mosquitoes are not only a nuisance to humans but also to animals. Mosquitoes can transmit diseases to pets, such as heartworms. This disease can be fatal to your furry friend. The lack of symptoms in its early stages makes heartworm even more dangerous. Unless you give your pet preventive medication and yearly heartworm tests, you may only discover the condition when it’s already at its worst. While medications are available, your pet can still suffer. Aside from that, the treatment can be expensive.

Even if the mosquito that bites your dog does not carry any parasites, it can still cause skin irritation and discomfort. Mosquito bites cause redness, swelling, and hives in a dog. You may see your furry friend constantly scratching, potentially damaging their skin.

5. Harm to Humans

The effects of mosquito bites on humans go far beyond skin irritation. Mosquitoes are known to be carriers of various diseases, some of which can be deadly. Malaria is perhaps the most well-known disease transmitted by mosquitoes. According to the World Health Organization, there were an estimated 229 million cases of malaria worldwide in 2019, resulting in 409,000 deaths. Other diseases spread by mosquitoes include dengue fever, Zika virus, West Nile virus, and chikungunya.

In addition to transmitting diseases, mosquitoes can also cause significant economic damage. Mosquito-borne illnesses can lead to missed work and school days, decreased productivity, and increased healthcare costs. Mosquito control measures, such as insecticides and mosquito nets, can also be expensive.

Mosquito Control

Controlling mosquito populations is essential for reducing the risk of disease transmission and ensuring a comfortable living environment. There are several mosquito control methods you can try, ranging from preventative measures to more drastic methods like the use of insecticides. When using insecticides, note that the natural ones remain the best mosquito control solution.

Preventative Measures

The first step in controlling mosquitoes is to prevent them from breeding in the first place. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in stagnant water. Therefore, eliminating any standing water around your property can go a long way in reducing their population. This includes emptying containers that can hold water, like flowerpots, buckets, and bird baths. Keep gutters clean and unclogged to prevent water from accumulating. If you have a swimming pool, ensure it is properly maintained and cleaned regularly.

Also, do not forget to install screens in your windows to prevent mosquitoes from entering your home.

Mosquitoes are also attracted to certain scents, so it’s best to avoid using heavily scented soaps, perfumes, or lotions. Wearing long-sleeved clothing can also help prevent mosquito bites.

Another preventative measure is to plant mosquito-repelling plants around your property. These include herbs like basil, lavender, and mint and flowers like marigolds. These plants have natural chemicals that mosquitoes find repulsive, which can help keep them away.

Natural Insecticides

Preventative measures are not guaranteed to keep mosquitoes away. Here’s how to get rid of mosquitoes on a property you own.

One way to use insecticides is to spray them directly onto mosquitoes. Many types of insecticides are available, including ones formulated for indoor or outdoor use. Always read the label carefully before using any insecticide and follow the instructions closely to keep everyone safe.

Another way to use organic insecticides is to treat areas where mosquitoes are known to rest, such as on walls or in dark corners. This is often done by spraying insecticides onto surfaces where mosquitoes are likely to land.

It’s important to note that some insecticides can harm plants, humans, and pets. Insecticides, especially those containing a chemical called DEET, can harm your lawn. So, choose products carefully. Generally, it is always best to go with natural insecticides.

Other Methods

There are also several other methods for controlling mosquitoes that do not involve the use of insecticides. One way is to use mosquito traps, which lure mosquitoes with a chemical attractant and then capture them.

Another method is introducing mosquito-eating western mosquito fish into bodies of water around your property. However, you must be careful, because this species is invasive.

Other types of fish could help with mosquito control, including guppies and minnows, which feed on mosquito larvae and can effectively control their population.

Finally, several natural remedies can help repel mosquitoes. These include using essential oils like lemon, eucalyptus, citronella, and tea tree oil.

Hire a Pest Control Professional

If you’ve done all possible preventative and DIY measures but mosquitos still have a stranglehold on your property, it’s time to ask the experts, “How do I get rid of mosquitoes on my property?” and hire them for the job.

A pest control professional knows the best methods of eliminating annoying pests in one fell swoop. But be careful who you choose. Most providers resort to “chemical fogging” as well as other harmful and outdated techniques to address insect control.

If you want to control the mosquito population but don’t want to deal with the adverse effects of chemicals, consider hiring a pest control professional like LawnMart. Our team uses all-natural solutions to get rid of mosquitos on your property, so you can be sure the process is safe and effective.

LawnMart uses a comprehensive mosquito control strategy to help you eliminate mosquitoes. It includes treating trees, shrubs, and other plants on your property using botanical insect control and applying natural bacteria in standing water. The bacteria effectively kill larvae so they don’t develop into mosquitoes.

With LawnMart’s mosquito control services, you won’t have to deal with annoying bloodsuckers this summer and for many summers to come.

Learn more about mosquito control or get a quote. Call LawnMart today!