Dandelions may offer various benefits, but they can ruin the beauty of Toronto yards. Successfully rid your lawn of dandelions by avoiding these common dandelion removal mistakes.
What to Know About Dandelions in Your Lawn
Misconceptions About Dandelions
Dandelions are commonplace, but many people still have misconceptions about them. For example, many believe two different kinds of dandelions are responsible for the stunning yellow flower and the white, globe-shaped seed heads. They are unaware that they are not varieties but separate stages in the dandelion’s life cycle.
Another widespread misconception about dandelions is that they are toxic. This belief isn’t true; in fact, it’s the opposite. Dandelions are rich in vitamins A and K and minerals like calcium, iron, and magnesium (animals like geese and rabbits love them, and for good reason). You can even eat them raw.
Those who treat dandelions like weeds may think they are useless. On the contrary, their widely dispersing roots aerate the ground, loosen compacted soil, and reduce erosion. The deep taproot draws nutrients from the soil, including calcium, and releases them so other plants can use them. Additionally, they draw pollinators like bees, and their flowers are lovely.
After listing their benefits, you might wonder, “Why are dandelions bad for lawns?” That’s because dandelions have a set of drawbacks, too, like competing for resources with your turfgrass, growing out of control quickly, and smothering other plants. Many people are allergic to these plants and their airborne seeds. And, if nothing else, lots of homeowners just don’t like the way they look.
Common Mistakes in Dandelion Removal
Dandelions can get out of control and take over your lawn in a relatively short order because they propagate by the thousands and can survive tough weather conditions. If you want to eradicate them from your lawn successfully, it’s critical to learn proper dandelion removal practices from lawns and be aware of common mistakes in removing this hardy survivor.
Mistake #1: Not Removing the Entire Root
Some people only remove the dandelion plant and flower from the surface of the soil. Unfortunately, this practice will more than likely leave all your dandelion removal efforts wasted because the weed can regrow even from a taproot fragment left in the soil. That’s why it is essential to remove the entire root of the plant. It will help if you learn how to remove dandelion weeds the right way so that you know that you’re getting the entire plant out with each pull.
Pull sprouting dandelions as soon as they emerge from the ground. This way, the leaves can’t contribute to nourishing and expanding the taproot. If you keep doing that, the taproot will eventually run out of food and stop sprouting.
Mistake #2: Pulling in Dry Soil
Another common mistake during dandelion removal is doing it whenever you’re up for the task. It is crucial to remember that dandelions have unusually long roots, reaching up to 10 inches into the ground. This makes them difficult to remove manually. But you can make the process easier by preparing the soil before hand-pulling dandelions. It’s generally easier to pull the entire plant when the soil is moist. So you can either wait for rain or wet the soil yourself.
Mistake #3: Not Timing Treatment Right
As with anything lawn care-related, timing is crucial for your dandelion purge. The best time to treat dandelion plants is after they have flowered and before they reach the puffball stage. Once the flowers open and pollinate, it might already be too late. The dandelion will have produced viable seeds that grow into the large seedhead even after it is pulled from the ground. If you plan to apply natural broadleaf weed control, fall is a good time to do so because dandelions typically move nutrients from their leaves to their roots to prepare for winter.
Mistake #4: Not Using the Right Tools
The roots of dandelions are deep and extensive. It’s possible that your standard trowel, knife, or weeder will not work efficiently for the task. You may need a more specialized tool to ensure you remove the entire plant with every pull. Several dandelion removers are available from various retailers, with differences in pricing and design.
Mistake #5: Neglecting the Seeds
After pulling the visible dandelions, some may think they have already won the battle against the weeds. But it’s crucial to remember that dandelion seeds can fly up to a hundred kilometers. So, there’s always the risk of recurring dandelion problems even after eliminating all the unwanted plants in your yard.
Don’t let your guard down. Use a natural pre-emergent herbicide to prevent seeds from sprouting. The best times to apply these herbicides to your yard are in the early spring or fall when the weeds are more dormant. You can use homemade products like gluten corn meal or purchase organic herbicides from a local garden center.
Sustainable Approaches to Dandelion Control
When it comes to dandelion control, you have probably considered using chemical-based weed killers. While that practice undeniably shows fast results, it also comes with safety risks. Instead, consider natural and sustainable ways of keeping those unwanted plants from coming back.
Mow your lawn regularly to cut off dandelion heads before they grow. The goal is to remove the flowers before they turn into puffball seedheads. Puffball seedheads are fun but can be the source of your dandelion problem. So, increase the height, ensuring you cut between 7cm and 8cm, never shorter, as this prevents the mower from cutting the grass too short. You may also water the grass to make it thicker.
Organic pre-emergent herbicides prevent seeds from germinating, which stops seeds from growing into plants. You can also use corn gluten meal, an organic pre-emergent weed killer safe for your children, pets, and lawn.
Soil testing and amendment will help the other plants in your lawn grow healthier. This, in turn, decreases the possibility of dandelions establishing and taking over your yard. Soil testing will also tell you if your land is low in calcium, which makes dandelions thrive.
Achieving a Balanced Lawn Ecosystem
One way to deal with dandelions is to keep them in check but not completely eradicate them from your lawn. They do, after all, offer certain advantages. They fertilize other plants by drawing nutrients from deep within the soil to the surface through tap roots. Dandelions also aerate the soil and attract beneficial insects and pollinators. Dandelion roots are nutritious and can be used to make tea, while the leaves make a delicious salad. The plant also has medicinal properties. Its flowers can relieve stomach cramps, the leaves can strengthen the immune system, and the roots can help control blood sugar levels.
If you want to support a balanced lawn ecosystem, you can allow some dandelion plants to remain. Let them develop and naturally die, but prevent them from reproducing to keep their population under control. Trim their leaves back once a month and place the cut leaves on the soil’s surface to decompose, keeping them neat and making them look like part of your garden.
If you choose to remove dandelions from your lawn, use natural removal methods like natural pre-emergent and post-emergent weed-killer products. If you have the time and physical strength, consider manual dandelion removal, such as digging, covering them with mulch or plastic, using vinegar, or pouring hot water on them.
Managing Dandelions With LawnMart
As part of our holistic lawn care solution, LawnMart provides dandelion weed removal services. We do not simply pull out the readily apparent dandelion weeds and call it a day because we know they will return quickly. We’ll handle everything to ensure that dandelions won’t wreak havoc on your yard. Contact us today to learn how we can help you with your dandelion issues.