Furniture with blue cushions in a backyard.

5 Ways Professional Lawn Care Services Save You Money

Hiring a professional to keep your lawn green and healthy doesn’t come cheap. The average cost of a lawn care service is $30 to $80 per hour. So, you probably wonder how hiring a lawn care professional saves you money when you need to pay that much for the service.

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organic lawn

The Basics of Organic Lawn Care

Are you planning to ditch chemical fertilizers and pesticides? Are you ready to switch to organic lawn care methods? This article covers everything you need to know to get started with organic lawn care and the benefits you can expect from it.

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Seed spots in a lawn.

Does Your Lawn Need Spot Seeding This Year?

Snow will soon begin to melt, and the grasses in your yard will come back to life—or maybe not. Sometimes, despite your best efforts, your lawn may start to thin out or develop bare patches. In this case, you may need spot seeding lawn services.

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How to Care for Your Lawn During Winter

Many of us struggle to keep our lawns looking amazing throughout the year. Taking a year-round approach can be challenging and difficult to maintain, after all. But even in the winter, you’ll find that the right kind of maintenance will ensure that you have a gorgeous lawn come spring. In most areas, the grass will […]

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