A healthy lawn in the Greater Toronto area

Everything Your Lawn Needs to Stay Happy and Healthy

Grasses on your lawn are living things, which means they also have needs like sunlight to stay alive, healthy, and happy. In this article, we will uncover everything you must give your lawn to ensure it stays in its best shape.

What Is Needed for a Healthy and Happy Lawn?

A well-maintained lawn is often seen as the crown jewel of a property, evoking a sense of tranquility and natural beauty. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, a healthy and lush lawn can offer many benefits, from providing a safe play area for children and pets to increasing the overall value of your property.

Now, let’s delve into the essential elements needed for a lawn that thrives year-round.


Mowing is the cornerstone of maintaining a vibrant lawn. Regular and proper mowing ensures that the grass looks uniform and tidy. Aside from aesthetic purposes, mowing at the right height encourages the grass to expand and grow new leaves, reducing the workload of your grass root system.

When mowing, make sure not to remove more than one-third of the grass. We recommend setting the mower at 7cm to 8cm, bagging the clippings if possible. This practice prevents stress on the grass and promotes healthy growth. Moreover, using a sharp mower blade is paramount. Dull blades can tear the grass rather than cleanly cutting it, leading to a ragged appearance and increased vulnerability to diseases.

In terms of mowing frequency, once per week is ideal, but it still varies depending on grass type, season, and weather conditions. Adjust your mowing schedule accordingly to maintain an ideal height and appearance for your lawn.


Proper watering is another vital component of lawn care. Make sure the amount and frequency are appropriate. Ideally, you should give your lawn about one inch of water weekly between May 1st and September 1st. But this can still vary depending on your climate, soil type, and grass species.

Timing is also important. The best time to water your plants is in the early morning, typically an hour before sunrise. During this time, the wind is calmer and cooler, allowing the grass roots to absorb enough water before the moisture evaporates. This time of the day also prevents the grass from staying damp for too long, which can cause fungus to grow.

In terms of frequency, watering once a week is often enough. Make sure you avoid overwatering because it can be as detrimental to your lawn as under-watering. Giving your grass more water than it needs can result in rotting roots and grass having difficulty breathing.

Controlling Weeds and Pests

Weeds can quickly mar the appearance of a once-thriving lawn, robbing it of essential nutrients, sunlight, and water. The key to weed and pest control is a combination of preventive measures and targeted treatments. There’s often no one-size-fits-all kind of treatment for weed and pest infestations. Pre-emergent care may be enough if there are no unwanted plants in the lawn, while emergent care is essential if you are dealing with a weed infestation.

Other weed control measures include regular mowing at the appropriate height, as it helps prevent weed seeds from germinating. Proper watering and fertilization also help create a competitive environment that makes it difficult for weeds to establish themselves.

Adopting integrated pest management strategies, such as manual removal and spot treatments, can minimize the need for chemical interventions. But if there’s a need for herbicide, organic lawn care companies provide all-natural products you can use to get rid of unwanted insects in your backyard without any related safety risks.


Fertilization is the nutritional backbone of lawn care. Grass requires a variety of nutrients to grow lush and vibrant, but not everything is available in the soil. Fertilization ensures the grass gets all the essential nutrients it needs, like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, to develop healthy roots, grow vigorously, and resist diseases.

Too much of anything is not good, and that statement holds true even when it comes to fertilizing. Applying too much fertilizer or the wrong fertilizer can lead to issues like nutrient imbalances, excessive growth, and environmental pollution. That’s why it is crucial to perform a soil test before fertilizing to determine the specific nutrient needs of your lawn. This allows you to tailor your fertilizer application to address any deficiencies.

Additionally, consider using slow-release fertilizers, which release nutrients gradually over time. Instead of providing a temporary boost of nutrients, slow-release fertilizers provide a steady supply of nourishment that creates a sturdy turf.

Additional Ways to Keep Your Lawn Healthy and Happy

While regular mowing, watering, and fertilizing are crucial components of lawn care, you can employ several additional strategies to ensure your lawn remains healthy and thriving.

Here are some lesser-known ways to keep your lawn in optimal condition:

1. Aerate the Soil

When people constantly walk around your lawn, the soil gets compacted. Soil compaction can hinder the flow of air, water, and nutrients to the grassroots, which can impede healthy growth. Aerating your lawn involves perforating the soil with small holes, allowing essential elements to reach the grassroots more effectively.

Aeration improves nutrient uptake of the grass and encourages the development of stronger, deeper roots. Companies offering lawn care near your area likely offer aeration, so don’t hesitate to ask them about this service.

2. De-Thatch

Thatch is a layer of dead grass, roots, and other debris that builds up between the soil and the green grass. Excessive thatch can prevent water and nutrients from penetrating the soil.

De-thatching, often done with specialized equipment, removes this layer and facilitates better air circulation and water absorption. This practice is vital in preventing disease and promoting healthy grass growth.

3. Plant Suitable Grass

Grasses have different tolerance levels for heat, shade, and foot traffic. Choosing a grass type well-suited to your soil type, climate, and usage patterns is essential for successful lawn care.

Conduct research or consult with local experts to determine the best grass variety for your specific conditions and ensure proper planting and maintenance.

4. Pet Etiquette

While our furry companions bring joy to our lives, allowing them to use your lawn as their bathroom can lead to brown spots and patchy areas. Pet urine contains high nitrogen levels, which can cause urine burn on grass.

Training your pets to use designated areas for elimination can help preserve the health and appearance of your lawn. Regularly flushing urine-prone areas with water can also dilute the nitrogen and minimize damage.

5. Reseeding

Thin or patchy areas on your lawn are susceptible to weed invasion and erosion. Reseeding these areas can rejuvenate the lawn’s appearance and prevent further degradation.

Before reseeding, prepare the soil and ensure you plant the same seeds as your current lawn grass. Follow recommended seeding practices and keep the newly seeded areas adequately watered for optimal germination.

How Can I Keep My Lawn Healthy Naturally?

If you wish to have a green lawn but don’t want to use lawn care products containing chemicals, organic-based solutions can be just as effective but less risky. Companies adopting organic practices and products also exist. If you are in the Greater Toronto Area, you can count on LawnMart for organic lawn care services.

How Does LawnMart Keep Lawns Healthy and Happy?

LawnMart is dedicated to ensuring the health and happiness of your lawn through a comprehensive approach that combines all-natural products and expert care. With a focus on environmental sustainability and lush greenery, LawnMart employs several key strategies to maintain your lawn’s vitality.

The company implements a 6-step lawn care process. The team takes care of organic fertilizer application, weed and insect control, and improving soil quality to ensure a thick green lawn while you take care of mowing and watering. If the lawn still isn’t as green as we want, we will analyze it to find the root of the issue, whether it be a lack of water, lack of sunlight, getting mowed too short, etc.

LawnMart offers lawn care services near the Greater Toronto area. If you’re looking for experts in lawn care, you’ll never go wrong with us. Feel free to call LawnMart for any inquiries.