
After the Cold: How to Prepare Your Lawn for Spring

As winter comes to an end and the days begin to get warmer, it’s time to start thinking about how to prepare your lawn for spring. After months of cold and snow, your lawn will need some attention to ensure that it thrives in the coming months.

LawnMart has identified an effective six-step process for lawn care.

Six Steps to Prepare Your Lawn for Spring

Step 1: Apply organic-based fertilizer, crabgrass control, and weed control to nourish your grass and prevent weeds from sprouting.

Organic-based fertilizers are made from natural ingredients and are an excellent source of nutrients for your lawn, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. They are also rich in micronutrients like iron, calcium, and magnesium, which are vital for healthy plant growth. They don’t cause soil pollution and harm beneficial soil organisms, so they are a better choice.

Crabgrass control is another essential component of lawn care. Crabgrass is an annual grassy weed commonly found in lawns across Canada. It sprouts in the spring and can take over your lawn if left unchecked. Its seeds can remain dormant in the soil for years before germinating. By applying a pre-emergent herbicide in the spring, you can prevent crabgrass from sprouting. The herbicide can also target other annual grassy weeds.

Another important spring lawn care step is weed control more broadly. Weeds compete with your grass for nutrients and water, leading to poor growth and thinning. Post-emergent herbicides target the weed’s roots and prevent regrowth.

Step 2: Apply organic-based fertilizer, weed control, and spot seeding to strengthen the grass and fill bare spots.

The second step of our six-step lawn care process includes another application of organic fertilizer and weed control solutions. Spot seeding is what separates this step from the first

Spot seeding is planting grass seed in areas where the grass is thin or bare. Heavy traffic, disease, pests, pet urine, or drought stress often cause these bare spots. It is vital to use the correct type of grass seed that matches the existing grass and the local climate to ensure the best results.

Step 3: Apply all-natural fertilizer, weed control, and insect control to feed your grass and soil, help prevent drought stress, and control lawn-damaging insects.

As mentioned above, one of the biggest challenges that lawns face is drought stress, which occurs when the grass cannot get the water it needs to grow and thrive. There are also lawn-damaging insects that can wreak havoc on a lawn. Fortunately, there are all-natural solutions that can help prevent these issues.

One effective way to prevent drought stress and promote healthy grass growth is by applying all-natural fertilizer and weed control products to your lawn. If this all seems repetitive, it’s because the periodic application of organic fertilizer and weed control products is essential to maintaining a healthy lawn in spring and year-round.

Another critical aspect of lawn care is controlling lawn-damaging insects. All-natural insect control products can help prevent these pests from damaging your lawn, all without harming the environment or other beneficial organisms like bees and earthworms.

Step 4: Apply organic-based fertilizer, weed control, and grub control to thicken your grass and manage grub damage.

One of the keys to maintaining a healthy and lush lawn is to ensure that the grass is thick and robust. Grubs are one of the most common pests that can cause significant damage to lawns. They feed on the roots of the grass, causing it to weaken and become more susceptible to damage. You can deal with it using organic-based grub control products, such as nematodes. These can help manage grub populations without harming the grass or other beneficial organisms in the soil.

To thicken the grass, you can apply organic-based fertilizer. Organic fertilizers are derived from natural sources, such as plant and animal waste. They provide essential nutrients that can help strengthen the grass and promote healthy growth. They can also improve soil health by increasing the amount of organic matter.

Step 5: Apply liquid aeration, humic acid, seaweed, and weed control to loosen the soil for greater nourishment, aid drought recovery, and reduce disease pressure.

Step five is where we introduce a couple of new processes into the fold, namely lawn aeration and humic acid. Compacted soil can restrict grass root growth and prevents essential nutrients and water from reaching the roots. This can result in a weak and sparse lawn, which is more susceptible to disease, pests, and drought stress. So, it is important to loosen the soil.

Liquid aeration is a relatively new product that has recently gained popularity. It is a liquid that is applied to the soil and works by breaking up compacted soil— it doesn’t just help to loosen the soil but also improves nutrient availability.

Humic acid is a natural organic compound found in soil, peat, and coal. When applied to the lawn, humic acid helps to break down organic matter in the soil, which makes nutrients more available to the roots.

Seaweed is another natural product that can be used to improve soil health and promote healthy grass growth. It contains several beneficial substances like potassium, iron, and magnesium. It is also rich in compounds that can help reduce disease pressure.

Weed control is still crucial in this step. An effective weed control product can help prevent weeds from taking over your lawn, allowing your grass to thrive.

Step 6: Apply organic-based winterizing fertilizer and lime to help your lawn withstand the winter, flourish in the spring, avoid moss problems, and improve nutrient uptake

You are probably wondering, “How do I prepare my lawn for the next spring?” You actually need to prepare for winter before anything else. Before the winter starts again, it is crucial to apply organic-based winterizing fertilizer and lime. These products provide essential nutrients and improve soil quality. Lime helps to balance the soil’s pH levels, allowing the grass to absorb nutrients more efficiently. It also helps to reduce moss growth, a common problem in lawns during the winter months.

A healthy lawn also requires proper drainage. Before applying fertilizer and lime, ensure that your lawn has adequate drainage. You can do this by aerating the lawn, allowing the grass roots to access more oxygen and nutrients.

When Should I Start Treating My Lawn After Winter?

The answer to this question depends on the type of grass you have. Early spring is the best time for cold-season grasses. You should wait until the temperature outdoors reaches at least 4.5 degrees Celsius.

The bottom line is this: If you want your lawn to bounce back this spring and remain lush and healthy throughout the summer and into fall, you must prioritize proper lawn care early in the season, if not before. Still, there are always ways to improve your lawn’s health and appearance no matter the season, and LawnMart is here to help. Allow us to help you transform your lawn, and learn more about lawn care services by calling LawnMart today.

Michael Schäfer

President – LawnMart Inc.

Years of Experience: 31 Years

  • Land Class 1 and 3 Licenses Since 1993
  • Pest Control Operator License Since 1995
  • PIC Accredited Pest Technician Examiner Since 2004
  • Biting Flies Control License Since 2020

Michael Schäfer is President and Founder of LawnMart Inc. After training privately under Dr. Larry Whiddell of Ohio State University, he became a Lawn Technician at Barefoot Grass Lawn Services (1993) and leveled up to Tree/Shrub Care Manager before taking over all Canadian operations as Area Manager. In 1996, Michael founded LawnMart Inc., which has since grown into a multi-award-winning company that cares for thousands of lawns in the Golden Horseshoe area.